How do I create a custom fabric?
- file format: JPG; JPEG; PNG
- file size: less than 4 MB (for Stoff-Designer) or less than 50 MB or max. 2GB!
- resolution: max. 250 pixel/inch
- optional LAB; RGB/CMYK will be transformed into LAB
Or with our pattern designer!
1. Just upload your favorite graphic or choose an example from the designer library.
2. Then you can play with your graphic in detail and your prefered design arrangement to develop your own repeat. You can place your design easily in repeat by choosing horizontally, vertikally. mirrored...
3. You can adjust colors, contrasts, saturation, size of your printed fabric... with a few simple sliders. On a normal 72dpi monitor you can see the size of your fabric analogue to the cm-level on the edges.
4. Name your design and click twice to submit your ready design into your gallery and go on for ordering the printed fabric, editing details or make the design public.
A collection on tutorials reagarding seamless pattern making:
- Seamless patterns
- Creating patterns in Photoshop CS2
- Make Repeating Seamless Tile Backgrounds with Photoshop
- Creating Seamless Textures in Photoshop Tutorial
- Creating seamless Tiles
- Seamless tile tutorial - Photoshop
- Cow Spots Seamless Pattern
- Photoshop - Repeating Pattern - Snowflake (Video)
- How To Create A Louis Vuitton Pattern (Video)